about us
The South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society (SCEFS) began in 1982 as a branch of the Kamloops Elizabeth Fry Society with weekly visits from a Kamloops Elizabeth Fry worker coming to Ashcroft and then by 1984 became an independent agency.
SCEFS operates in a rural area in the Southern Interior of British Columbia with Ashcroft, BC being the main office providing services to individuals and families living over a 22,500 square kilometer area. This area includes five small communities (Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Spences Bridge and Walhachin) and several First Nations Bands.
Our Mission is to build strong communities as the social services leader by supporting social, emotional, mental, physical, and cultural wellbeing to families, individuals, children, youth, caregivers, and seniors in the South Cariboo.
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